This is a great resource to help you with individual consults or group classes, even health fairs.
This FREE download has been available on Well Resourced Dietitian since 2020 but is now updated and improved (Oct 2023), check out the new version!
Use this information sheet to get the conversation going, to cover practical skills for eating well at home and building meal planning and meal prep skills. The meal planning tips will open the discussion and counseling topics for you and your clients.
When your clients are needing to eat at home more often and work on meal planning, this resource is helps:
- Reduce stress around meal planning and meal prep
- Simplify meal prep
- Reduce time spent in the kitchen
- Keep anyone motivated with preparing meals at home
- Balance simple meals easily
- Improve meal planning skills
This helpful 1-page resource covers a few practical skills to simplify meal planning, and includes a few meal planning resources at the bottom of the page to get clients started with ideas for building their own meal planning. Space is left for you to add additional resources that you love.
Meal Planning – Recommended Tools
Explore these and other helpful meal planning resources in my Well Resourced Dietitian store HERE.
Beautiful product for clients. Easy to ready. Easy to use. Great ideas to help clients learn to plan meals for themselves and their families.
So wonderful to hear! Thank you!
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