Picture of Megan Boitano

Megan Boitano

Registered dietitian nutritionist Megan Boitano, MS, RD, helps dietitians leverage their expertise and generate income via creation and sale of online nutrition resources. She is the founder of Well Resourced Dietitian, a digital marketplace for dietitians to both sell and buy original, digital materials for use in their nutrition practices, including ebooks, handouts, presentations, webinars, worksheets and more.

63 Free CEUs for Dietitians: Your Ultimate Guide!

Calling all savvy RDNs ready to get more bang for your continuing education buck: this is your ultimate roundup of free CEUs for dietitians. The price is right to collect those required hours, fast!

With our diverse list of options, you’ll gain the knowledge you need to stay on top of the research and best practices in your niche. You’ll be able to stay on track with licensure, all while minimizing your expenses! One exciting opportunity here provides a booming eight free hours of continuing education – huzzah!

No matter your location or specialty, this post is your robust roundup of sixty-three free CEUs: you’re going to want to bookmark this article for reference (and share it with a friend!).

We understand that your time is precious and you have better things do to than wading through the murky waters of the internet, feeling frustrated that the options listed have long since expired. While we can’t guarantee that every single one of these options is valid, we do take care to update this article each and every year, deleting options that have passed and adding many, many new opportunities.

topic areas for free dietitian CEUs including pediatric, culinary, clinical, business and food systems.

CEUs: what you need to now

Registered dietitians are required to have a minimum of 75 hours of approved continuing education documented per each five-year cycle. You are responsible for documenting and tracking your hours with CDR.

A few states have additional requirements, whether it is for hours to be documented with each year’s licensure renewal, or specific kinds of continuing education. Be sure to check with your state licensing board to ensure that you’re meeting your state-specific minimum requirements, long before the deadline. 

And for even more strategies about saving money as you invest in your continuing education, check out this post for our top tips: 17 Money-Saving CEU Hacks for Dietitians.

Note: continuing education is tallied per hour or partial hour. These may be labeled as CEUs, CEs or CPEUs – all approved by the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR).

Our number one pick!

1. Getting Started with Digital Products

We’ll kick off our comprehensive roundup with our very own free CEU right here on Well Resourced Dietitian: Getting Started with Digital Products. This webinar is hosted by Well Resourced founder Megan Boitano and guides fellow dietitians through crafting digital products for their own business needs as well as for selling on Well Resourced Dietitian. 

Next stop? The specific CEU that every dietitian must have, no matter their specialty: ethics!

Ethics CEUs

All RDs are required to complete continuing education related to ethics during each five-year cycle. The following courses are approved for this specific requirement, and as with everything listed in this post, they’re all free!

2. Ethics Isn’t Optional: Understanding and Applying the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Code of Ethics, 2nd Edition – 1 hour

Becky Dormer and Associates have an on-demand, free webinar for dietitians to better understand how to critically evaluate issues and make decisions within an ethical framework. This includes how to identify and disclose conflicts of interest. Expires 10/24/2025.

3. Long-Term Care Regulatory Updates: What you need to know to pass the survey â€“ 1 hour

In this on-demand webinar, you’ll learn how to stay on top of, and compliant with, national, state, and local regulations as they relate to providing care in a long-term care setting. Recording expires on 1/19/2026.

4. Cultural Considerations For Providing Nutrition Care to a Diverse Population  â€“ 1 hour

Cultural competency is a necessary skill for all dietitians; almost half of the US population self-identifies as ethnically diverse. Learn about diverse beliefs and practices across the lifespan. Please note, the CE credit for this program expires on 9/14/25.

5. Ethics in Private Practice â€“ 1 hour

Learn how to navigate your business in compliance with best practices and ethics, including your advertising and marketing. Please note, the CE credit for this program expires on 4/10/27.

[Related: While it’s not free, our in-house ethics CEU is one of the best options for dietitians in online business – and it’s only $9.99. It covers topics like website essentials, email marketing, sponsored content disclosures, and more.] 

a woman in a pink top on her computer looking up free CEUS for dietitians

General Nutrition CEUs

In this section, we have seven hours of CEUs for you to peruse; they apply to just about any niche or specialty. The rest of this article lists opportunities by discipline. You’ll be able to quickly scan the topics to find your perfect free webinar or course, all without spending a single penny. 

6. Teaching Clients the How and Why of a Flexitarian Eating Style – 1 hour

The flexitarian approach includes ample plant-based foods but doesn’t completely restrict animal-based products. Learn how this eating pattern can be beneficial for certain health concerns, and how you can guide your clients. This course expires on 10/19/2025.

7. Personalized Nutrition and Applications for Practice 1.25 hours

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to nutrition, and as such, the concept of personalized nutrition is becoming more popular. This webinar reviews the current research on personalized nutrition and practical applications for leveraging this field. This course expires on 1/31/2026.

8. The Mediterranean Diet and the Immune System: What Are the Potential Effects? – 1 hour

Can the Mediterranean diet support immune health? Learn about how the food choices in this eating pattern may be immune-protective, in addition to their role in reducing the risk of chronic disease. This webinar is good through 5/3/2026.

9. Low carb diets in dietetic practice – 1 hour

Do low-carb diets improve weight? Are they good for blood sugar control? Are they sustainable? Get an update on the current research on these diets, including potential benefits for health. To obtain your CEU certificate/certificate of attendance, click the ‘Get it now’ button and follow the prompts to register. Then go to your Dashboard on your Dietitian Connection account and download the certificate for this webinar. This course expires on 8/16/2025.

10. Savvy Snacking: Tips & Trends to Optimize Nutrition – 1.25 hours

Many folks crave a good snack attack in their day, so how can RDs help them leverage those food choices for good health? Explore snack pairings and health benefits in this webinar. This course expires on 9/14/2025.

11. Oral Health and Nutrition: Imperative for Healthy People 2030 and US Dietary Guidelines – 1.5 hours

Did you know that more than 1 in 10 children have untreated dental caries? In the senior population, this number rises to nearly 1 in 5. In this workshop, you’ll learn what lifestyle and dietary factors lower the risk of dental disease. This course expires 11/16/2025.

Community and Culinary Nutrition CEUs

12. Dietary Diversity: Encouraging Consumption of Whole Grains, Legumes, and Other Under-Consumed Food Groups – 1.25 hours

They say that variety is not only the spice of life but also the key to unlocking many health benefits – but what if you and your clients don’t know how to cook and enjoy diverse foods? This workshop, co-hosted by Colin Rehm and Dawn Jackson Blatner, will teach you how! The course expires on 12/7/2026.

13. Research Updates on African Heritage Diets – 1 hour

Discover the culinary influences of the African Diaspora, and how these traditional African heritage foods can improve health. This webinar will help you better support clients’ cultural preferences. After watching the video, email [email protected] to receive your CEU certificate. This course expires on 2/21/2026.

14. Processing and the Dietary Guidelines: Meeting Nutrient Needs with Accessible Foods – 1 hour

Eating these days is challenged by our on-the-go lifestyle as well as accessibility of nutritious foods. Learn strategies to support your patients and clients with affordable ideas. CPEUs for this activity expire on 3/19/2027.

15. From Kitchen to Clinic: Practical Applications of Culinary Medicine – 1 hour

Take a deep dive into the culinary medicine movement! Discover the definition of culinary medicine, how this approach can reduce chronic disease risk, and explore practical applications via a sample cooking demonstration. Learn how to bring this style of education into your practice. This course expires 05/23/2026.

smoothie bowl topped with fresh fruit and gold spoon next

Women’s Health CEUs

16. Fertility and Pregnancy: What Role Does Nutrition Play? – 1 hour

How can nutrition impact egg quality? What ways can diet impact pregnancy complications? Get these questions and more answered in this free webinar.

17. How Can Female Hormone Health Be Improved by Lifestyle Change and a Plant-Based Diet? – 1 hour

Lifestyle and environment can take a toll on female hormones; learn how to fight back through the power of plant-based eating. This course expires August 17, 2025.

18. New Findings on Food and Breast Cancer Prevention – 0.75 hours

Learn from the Women’s Health Initiative data as we explore the possible connections between dietary choices and risk of death from breast cancer. This course expires on August 9, 2026.

19. Soy Food Consumption and Breast Health – 0.75

Explore the most recent evidence about the connections between the consumption of soy foods and the risk of breast cancer as well as learn what the current recommendations are for survivors of breast cancer and eating soy foods. This workshop expires on August 17, 2025.

20. Treatment Guidelines for Gestational Diabetes – 1 hour

Courtney Lee, MS, RDN, CDN, CLT, and CFCS offers the latest treatment guidelines for GDM, the kind of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy. Please note, this CE program will expire on 04/28/2026.

Gut Health and Microbiome CEUs

21. Practical applications of the low-FODMAP diet in clients with IBS – 1 hour

Did you know that IBS affects 15% of the population? IBS expert Kate Scarlata, MPH, RDN, LDN guides dietitians through best practices for using the low-FODMAP diet for your patients with IBS.

22. Gut Health Symposium: How can dietitians lead the way in managing gut health? – 0.75 hours

This presentation has a wide range of helpful tips about gut health, from the latest research on foods that support a healthy gut to sample case studies to the relationship between gut health and eating disorders. Note that while there are multiple presenters and topics, only Dr. Tim Crowe’s presentation is eligible for the CEU credits.

23. All About Gut Health: Understanding the Role of Prebiotics, Probiotics, and Postbiotics – 1 hour

Prebiotics, probiotics, postbiotics – oh my! Learn about the differences between each of these topics and how they impact the microbiome. This webinar also covers how lifestyle habits, like sleep and exercise, affect gut health. This CEU is good through 9/26/24.

24. IBS & FODMAPs: Demystified – 1.5 hours

Learn the ins and outs of FODMAPs and how to support your IBS patients with confidence. This course is taught by Jan Claussen, MS, RD, LDN, CNSC and it expires on 4/24/27.

25. Nutrition & Yoga Combination Therapy: Why Together It May Better Treat Common GI Ailments – 1 hour

Join Beth McCall, MS, RD, LDN, CSSD, RYT, Owner of Purposeful Fueling Performance Nutrition and Yoga, as she explores the connections between the gut-microbiota-brain axis and how gastrointestinal and mental health is impacted as things get out of sync. She also explains how nutritional and yoga interventions for IBS might help your clients better than nutritional strategies alone. This course expires on 8/18/25.

Clinical Nutrition CEUs

26. Enteral Tube Feeding 101 – 1 hour

Need a good clinical refresher for enteral feeding? This is the CEU for you! Discover indicators and contraindications for enteral feeding, classifications for enteral formulas, and different types of feeding methods. This course expires on 1/20/2025.

27. Wound Module Series – 3 hours

This three part series from Abbott covers the following topics: Part 1 – Understanding Chronic Wounds, Part 2 – Pressure Injuries and Management of Chronic Wounds, and Part 3 – Chronic Wounds and Nutrition. You’ll need to register for each part individually, but the courses all parlay together into a comprehensive look at the topic (and 3 CEUs total!).

28. Blenderised tube feeding: Latest evidence & controversies – 1 hour

This workshop dives into the controversy of blenderised tube feeding (BTF) – is it safe? Are there risks? Co-hosted by Kate Dehlsen and Rachel Lindeback, they explore the current evidence for and against the use of BTF.

29. Research Updates on Fiber, Good Fats, and Their Role in Diabetes Management – 2 hours

In this two-hour workshop, you’ll learn how specific fibers and fatty acids impact blood sugar management. Hint: this workshop is sponsored by your favorite toast topping! Course expires 10/19/2025.

30. Malnutrition Screening in Patients with Obesity in the Hospital Setting – 1 hour

In this recorded workshop, you’ll explore the weight stigma and the obesity paradox in critically ill patients. Laura Andromalos, MS, RD, RN, CSOWM, CDCES walks you through current best practices and teaches you how to use evidence based tools to provide the best care for your patients.

31. TPN 301 – 1 hour

In this workshop, you’ll take a detailed look at all of the different vitamins and minerals that can go into parenteral nutrition formulations as well as the guidelines for monitoring. This CPEU program expires on 1/8/2027.

a woman flipping through a notebook at a white desk

Pediatric Nutrition CEUs

32. Training Program in Pediatric Malnutrition – 10 hours

This certificate training program by Abbott is comprised of seven foundation courses, including Identification and Diagnosis of Pediatric Malnutrition and Nutrition for the Neurologically Impaired Child as well as three elective courses of your choosing. Elective options include Practical Strategies for Achieving Growth Potential in Children and Pediatric Currents: Screening for Malnutrition Risk in Pediatrics. These courses expire on varying dates from 6/25/2025-8/1/2026.

33. A Review of Key Changes to the New USDA Pediatric Feeding Guidelines – 1 hour

Did you know that the 2020 Dietary Guidelines included recommendations by life stage for the first time? Get a deep dive into these new recommendations along with helpful tips about allergen introduction during infancy. This course expires on 12/2/24.

34. ARFID in Young People: Unlocking a Dietitian’s Role – 1 hour

Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) can significantly limit the foods a child or young adult is willing to eat. Discover how important an RD is to the treatment of this condition, and practical strategies for meeting nutrition requirements. The prerecorded CE webinar expires on 11/16/2025.

35. NICU Nutrition 101 – 1 hour

Melissa Odorisio, MS, RD, LD/N, CNSC guides you through the support of NICU patients, taking into account possible acute illness on top of prematurity. Dietitians are key players on the NICU healthcare team. Please note, this CE program will expire on 10/24/2025.

Do you work with families in your business? We have 12 Healthy Food Activities for Preschoolers That Everyone Will Enjoy that you can use for your next preschool workshop. There are a range of ideas to try, all with a focus on exploring and enjoying healthy foods. 

Geriatric Nutrition and Long Term Care CEUs

36. Kindness is Contagious: Redefining Your Dining Experience Webinar – 1 hour

In this workshop, you’ll learn cost-effective ways to improve the morale and experience for everyone in your organization. Cultivate a community of belonging with the strategies presented in this on-demand webinar. Recorded expires on 10/10/2025.

37. Healthy Aging: Beyond the Usual Advice to Eat Well and Stay Active – 1 hour 
Dr. Christine Rosenbloom, PhD, RDN, FAND, showcases the role of glycemic control on disease development and immune function with aging in this free webinar. You’ll also learn more about the role of the gut microbiome in older adults. This course expires on 9/22/24.

38. Berries, Bioactive Nutrients, and Brain Health – 1 hour

Did you know more than 16 million people in the US are living with cognitive impairment? This number is only predicted to rise with the growth of the aging population. Learn more about the role that the MIND diet and berry intake may play in maintaining healthy brain function as we age. This course expires 1/11/25.

39. The Physiological Connections Between Diet & Sleep and Associated Risks for Developing Chronic Diseases – 1 hour

What does the quality and quantity of your sleep have to do with your risk of developing chronic disease? A lot! Marie-Pierre St-Onge, Ph.D, CCSH, FAHA explains everything in this course that expires 9/29/25.

40. Sharpen Your Edge: Integrating NFPE & Lab Assessment – 1 hour

Join this webinar to learn how your patient’s nutrient status is best assessed through which lab tests. You’ll also learn how to incorporate nutrition-focused physical exams (NFPE) and other assessments to paint a complete picture of your patient’s current health. Recorded webinar expires on 4/13/26.

41. Hydration and Older Adults: Why It Matters and How to Manage It – 1 hour

Dehydration is incredibly common among older adults, which can negatively impact overall health. Learn about the signs of dehydration and tips on managing it in the elderly, with a special discussion on specific advice for managing hydration in those with dementia. This course expires on 3/14/2026.

If you are  wondering what it is really like to work as a long-term care dietitian…and how to get started? This comprehensive guide is for you! Long-Term Care Dietitians: Responsibilities, Resources, and Tips provides the latest resources for working in long term care.

A collection of spiral-bound notebooks in a pale pink plastic office organizer

Sports Nutrition CEUs

42. Almonds: Food for Fitness – 1 hour

This webinar, sponsored by the Almond Board, discusses emerging research on how almonds may support exercise recovery and reduce fatigue. Watch the webinar then fill out the short survey to claim your CEU credit. (There are multiple sponsored webinars on this site; scroll down to find the fitness one.)

43. Nutrition Assessment of the Athlete – 1 hour

Learn step-by-step how to best assess and support your athletic patients, whether you’re in an outpatient or acute setting. Please note, this CE program will expire on 8/9/2025.

44. Nutrition Considerations for the Youth Athlete – 1 hour

In this course, you’ll learn special considerations for younger athletes, including common issues and solution-oriented approaches to solving them. This course is taught by Laura M. Reece, MS, RD, CSSD, LDN, a Board-Certified Sports Dietitian (CSSD). This course expires on 8/24/26.

If you’re looking for the most robust training available to dietitians for sports nutrition, you’re going to want to run, not walk to this blog post: Everything You Need to Know About Becoming a Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics (CSSD)

And if you’d like to compare the training and expectations of the CSSD credential to other certification programs available, this blog post The Best Sports Nutrition Certifications (and a Few to Skip) covers several great options as well as a few to skip. 

Intuitive Eating and HAES CEUs

45. Can traditional weight management and a Health At Every Size® approach coexist? – 1 hour

This recorded workshop is a conversation between Leslie J. Bonci, MPH, RD, CSSD, LDN, author of “The Active Calorie Diet, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and Author of Unapologetic Eating, Alissa Rumsey, MS, RD, and Joy Bauer, MS, RDN, CDN, and healthy lifestyle expert for NBC’s TODAY show.

Are you considering the CEDS (formerly CEDRD) credential and not sure if it is the right fit for you? Our blog post Everything You Need to Know About Becoming a CEDRD covers the ins and outs of this rigorous credential. 

Hearing more about Intuitive Eating and not sure what it is exactly? No worries, our blog post What Does an Intuitive Eating Dietitian Actually Do (and Is It Right for You?) lets you better understand this approach to nutrition practice. You’ll feel more informed and confident about Intuitive Eating (IE). It is possible you’re already using aspects of IE without even knowing it!

Food Systems and Sustainability CEUs

46. Diving Into the Power of Blue Foods as Medicine – 1 hour

What do green wakame seaweed and scallops have in common? Not only are they both delicious, they’re nutritious and sustainable. Categorized as “blue foods,” these aquatic veggies and seafood support health, and they’re good for the planet. Learn more in this workshop. Course expires 09/27/2026.

47. Food for a Healthier Planet: Expert Panel on Sustainability and Nutrition – 1 hour

In this Oldways CEU, Dr. Walter Willett discusses the science and connections between human and planetary health. Sharon Palmer, RD, then gives practical strategies to help your clients embrace more sustainable eating patterns. Scroll down on the Oldways page to find this webinar, and email them to receive your CEU certificate. This offering expires 12/31/2025.

48. Addressing the Intersection of Sustainability and Nutrition: Guidance for Your Practice – 1.25 hours

Explore the intersection between sustainability and nutrition in this 75-minute webinar from PepsiCo. Discover tools to help patients make more sustainable food choices. Registration through 6/14/2025.

Business CEUs

49. Cultivating Resiliency and a Growth Mindset in Early Career Nutrition Professionals – 1.25 hours

Leah Evert, registered dietitian and ACSM-certified exercise physiologist hosts this session that teaches you the strategies and skills to develop resilience in your career. You’ll learn how to foster a growth mindset that empowers you through adverse experiences. This course expires 9/30/2025.

50. How to Maximize Your LinkedIn for Industry Career Opportunities – 1 hour

Are you using LinkedIn to its fullest potential to help you land your dream job? This workshop shows you how to leverage LinkedIn to the max! Expires 4/25/2025.

51. Enhancing Revenue for RDNs Demonstrates Value for Expanded Scope of Practice and Increases Access to Care Webinar – 1 hour

Whether you work in private practice or in a healthcare facility, this workshop will teach you how to maximize the insurance coverage of your services. Recorded course CPE expires on March 13, 2027.

52. Expert Tips for Crave-Worthy Food Photography – 1 hour

Trying to improve food photos on your blog or social profiles? Get expert tips in creating those gorgeous photos that draw people in! From styling to photographing to editing, you’ll get all the must-knows in this webinar. Scroll down on the page to find it, and follow the instructions for emailing Oldways to receive your CEU certificate. Webinar CE expires on 8/8/2025.

53. Sharing Your Good News Folder – 1 hour

If you’ve ever felt some imposter syndrome in starting your business or working with clients, this is a must-watch webinar. Learn more about why we feel imposter syndrome and how we can overcome that self doubt. Mindset is such an essential part of business! This webinar is accredited for 1.0 CPEU by the Commission on Dietetic Registration through October 26, 2024. 

54. Copywriting Skills for the Internet – 1 hour

In this workshop, you’ll learn how to plan, write, and edit articles that perform well online. This course includes an introduction to SEO and keyword research. This course expires 11/21/2025.

55. How to Improve Your Client Retention & Counseling Skills – 1.5 hours

Alissa Rumsey, MS, RD shares strategies for supporting your clients so that they keep coming back, including tips for structuring the first session and your follow-ups and the right questions to ask to improve their outcomes. (This course is available under two other paid courses; click the link and scroll down to find this free resource.)

56. Bite-Sized Brilliance: Creating Engaging Nutrition Videos – 1 hour

Are you ready to amplify your impact online? In this engaging workshop, you’ll learn strategies for making better videos to connect with your ideal clients. Course expires 12/19/2026.

Getting your private practice started? You won’t want to miss our blog post: 10 Essentials for Starting Your Booming Nutrition Private Practice. This article covers how to specify your ideal client, which software programs to consider using and legal considerations to protect yourself. 

a self-care collection of a journal, fresh apple slices, wine, flowers and a sun hat on a white background.

Even more free CEUs for dietitians

57. Preceptor Training  – 8 hours

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics offers a complimentary training program for RDs to become preceptors to dietetic interns. The continuing education opportunity is a self-based course aimed to empower RDs to confidently host dietitian students and interns. 

Blog post: Precepting Interns as a Private Practice Dietitian 

58. Journal Articles – 1 hour per article

Members of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics have the benefit of free CPE for reading journal articles and passing the associated quiz. Each new issue of the Journal offers a few hours of CPE. While membership is not free, this is a robust benefit if you do choose to become a member. 

59. CVS Professional Development Webinar – Varies

Check the calendar for their live courses – they have a variety of options available throughout the year.

Did you know that live seminars do not require prior approval by CDR to count for CPEUs? We are all about the ninja hacks that help you to continue your learning but also save you money. Check out the rest of our tips right here: 17 Money-Saving CEU Hacks for Dietitians.

60. Free CPE for Academy Members – varies

From current trends in food allergies to managing diabetes at home, the Food and Nutrition Magazine from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has a plethora of CEU articles. Just read and answer the CPE quiz.

61. Registered Dietitians (RD / RDN) Free CEU Forum – varies

Join more than 5,000 members of this active Facebook group whose sole purpose is to share free continuing education opportunities for dietitians. 

62. Siggi’s Sessions – varies

Siggi’s yogurt offers free CEU opportunities to dietitians who make a complimentary account on the Siggi’s website.

63. Sound Bites Podcast – varies 
Listen to various episodes of the Sound Bites Podcast, take a quick quiz, and earn free CEUs!

Free CEUs for dietitians: key takeaways

While there may come a time when you’re ready to invest in a specific course or workshop, there are plenty of opportunities to earn your continuing education credits for free: you just have to know where to look. Are there any opportunities that we missed? Comment below!

Beyond this robust roundup of free CEUs, we have a few more tricks up our sleeves to support you and your wallet. Visit this post for 17 Money-Saving CEU Hacks for Dietitians.

Be sure to save this post for later: this roundup will be sure to save your wallet while propelling your knowledge forward. What’s better than being able to skip one more business expense?

Getting Started with Digital Products

We’ve got our very own free CEU right here on Well Resourced Dietitian.  This webinar is hosted by founder Megan Boitano and guides fellow dietitians through crafting digital products for their own business needs as well as for selling on Well Resourced Dietitian.

Flatlay of desk with pen, gold earbuds and zippered coin purse.

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