Introduce your clients to the impact of restriction and foster conversation about intuitive eating.

I print the restrict-binge cycle and laminate it to show it to clients in sessions especially when we’re addressing intuitive eating principles, impact after restriction, night-time eating, binge-eating and/or emotional eating – clients always appreciate it!

To help clients dive deeper into the different types of hunger and identify joy and pleasure with food, I use a structured activity and guidebook. Whenever I’ve used this activity & exercise, they always come back to me and say how they now feel confident stopping eating foods they no longer enjoy past their satisfaction. SUCCESS!

Check it out here – Mindful Eating Practice Activity



Please email me with any questions or concerns at [email protected]. I will be happy to help you!

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LICENSE: You may not share, sell, or distribute the file as a product. It can be used with your clients, but not sold separately to clients or colleagues. 

Copyright 2020-2022 © nutriFoodie retains all rights to the design and file.

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