Many skilled nursing/long term care facilities employ dietitians part time or on a PRN basis. This means that dietitians either have a short amount of time to spend providing education or are not on site when diet education may be helpful (such as when family members are visiting and asking questions.)
These handouts were designed to give very basic information on a few of the common diets and can be handed out to residents or family members by dietitians or by nursing staff if the dietitian isn’t available. The diet instruction focuses on explaining the need for a special diet and is more focused on appropriate snacks and outside food being brought in since the individual is already on a special diet for the meals provided by the facility.
This product includes a 1 page handout on the following diets:
- Mechanical soft snacks
- CKD (stage 3-5 not on dialysis)
- Gluten free
- Modified carbohydrate
- No added salt
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