When we do meal planning for our patients it is time consuming, and doesn’t always help our patients be self-reliant. This 2 page handout gives meal planning ideas based on food patterns/ food groups: vegetables, healthy fats, complex carbs and protein, and has a template where you can immediately help them implement these ideas by helping them write in a meal plan. The write in template has flexibility- for example if they are confident with breakfast and lunch, but not dinner- you can help them plan out dinners. Or if they want a mix of breakfast, lunch and dinner ideas- you can do 2 of each. We can easily help our patients confidently choose a balanced meal that will help them better manage blood sugar levels using this simple tool. Each food group has a list of different food options to choose from with a suggested amount. This is ideal for private practice or those doing home health visits.
This handout is very visually appealing. Provides a quick summary of meal choices.
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