Weight Gain and High Protein, High Energy Foods for Teens | Body-Neutral, Gender-Neutral Client Education for Teenagers and Adolescents Ages 13-18

Includes 2 ready-to-use English-language handouts specifically created for working with adolescent clients interested in weight gain. These handouts are geared towards generally healthy adolescents who are casually interested in weight gain for personal health or athletic reasons. Teens who are severely underweight due to medical issues or eating disorders are not the intended audience for this handout.

This product includes the following handouts, which can each be used independently or combined with other educational materials.

Weight Gain for Teens: Includes discussion of the role of nutrients in the body, generalized recommendations for teens interested in weight gain/bulking, ideas for teens who experience early satiety or low appetite, and information for teens about realistic expectations for weight gain and body changes.

High Protein, High Energy: Includes lists of high-protein and high-energy foods and ideas for nutrient and energy-dense snacks for teens. Also includes a brief definition of Calories which de-emphasizes the importance of Calorie-counting for generally healthy teens. If your educational philosophy does not include teaching your adolescent clients how to incorporate inexpensive convenience foods into a well-balanced diet, this handout may not be for you.

Handouts feature a blue/green color scheme, teen-friendly, gender-neutral, and body-neutral language, and offer age-appropriate explanations and examples throughout.

This product comes as a .zip folder with printable PDFs

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