Most of your patients likely know that a low sodium diet is important- so why don’t they follow one? Most of my patients have expressed that they think their food has no flavor, it requires spending lots of extra time in the kitchen, that it is impossible, or that they can’t eat any of the foods they love.
While following a low sodium diet requires change, there are all kinds of changes that can help patients manage their sodium intake. This sodium 101 bundle provides realistic information and resources to help your patients make simple changes AND still enjoy food with flavor, eating out, and not spend forever in the kitchen. The bundle includes:
Sodium 101 Guide:
- An update to the previous guide, this handout helps patients
- Identify typical high sodium foods
- Illustrates how to identify low sodium foods from the food label
- Tips for making low sodium choices when eating out
- Websites and apps to help patients identify best options for eating out and adding flavor
Pie chart of sodium sources:
- Perfect for laminating and helping people understand that just because they don’t salt their food, doesn’t necessarily mean that they are following a low sodium diet.
Sodium substitutions list:
- Provides your patients with a list of high sodium foods and the low sodium alternatives
Seasoning Guide:
- A seasoning guide for different types of cuisines
- Salt free seasoning blend recipes
While this sodium 101 bundle is geared towards people with kidney disease, it can be used for those with diabetes, heart disease or other chronic conditions where a low sodium diet is recommended.
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