With the increase in longevity, there is a greater desire for healthy aging and as we are fully aware, nutrition advice is confusing! This presentation teaches the audience the key ingredients to healthy aging.

This non-branded 35 slide PowerPoint Presentation is great for an audience looking to learn more about balanced eating, essential vitamins and minerals, maintaining a healthy weight and top foods for an anti-aging diet. Slides have a clean appearance with clear images.

This presentation includes the following topics:

  1. The Key Ingredients to Healthy Aging
  2. MyPlate Guidelines
  3. Vitamin and Mineral Essentials
  4. Maintaining a Healthy Weight
  5. Sleep and Growing Older
  6. Staying Physically Active 
  7. The Importance of Hydration
  8. Food Safety
  9. Recognizing your Barriers
  10. Top Foods for Your Anti-Aging Diet

Number of slides: 35

Length of presentation: 60 minutes (includes Q&A time)


Average rating: 5.00 out of 5 stars
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  • Healthy Aging Presentation

    Covers all the necessary considerations for aging gracefully! Includes non-dietary recommendations, which is great. Is general enough for easy comprehension and specific enough for viewers to make targeted changes. Slides are simple, direct, easy to follow.

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