Page previews of nutrition and activity tracker sheet.

Simple and easy nutrition checklist and activity tracker for those who just want to know they are getting their basic needs throughout the day. Consists of checklists, writing out, and filling in.


Average rating: 5.00 out of 5 stars
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  • Great tracker!

    Easy and simple layout! Great to hand to clients for use! Thank you!!

  • Nutrition & Activity Tracker

    Perfect and basic handout to track food, water and exercise. My patient was excited as she wanted an easy way to log. Thanks for creating!

  • Straightforward

    Form is friendly for people we serve. Thanks for sharing!

  • Nice form

    This form is very pleasing to the eye. It is also easy to explain how to use. I look forward to utilizing this tool.

  • Nutrition and Activity Tracker

    Nice and simple way for patients to track meals. Great for intuitive/mindful eating and for folks with disordered eating patterns.

  • Nutrition and Activity Tracker

    Great product that is simple for clients that need to focus on basic and simple. Some trackers are too busy and distracting. This is just what you need.

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