Heart Healthy Nutrition presentation is a great presentation for gyms, corporate wellness program, lunch and learns, etc. It has basic heart healthy nutrition information that is perfect for a 30 minutes presentation. It is in a PPT format so that you can customize it to fit your needs including adding your logo.
Topics include:
- Types of fat: saturated, trans, polyunsaturated (including omega-3’s) and monounsaturated
- Fiber (soluble and insoluble)
- Sodium
- Cholesterol
- Plant sterols and stanols
- Ways to lower your cholesterol and triglycerides
- Label reading
- Portion control (using plate method)
- Heart healthy foods
This slide deck saved me loads of time. It was well laid out and even included some audience questions. Even when a slide deck has notes, I rewrite them for my style and target audience anyway so I’d rather not pay extra for that. I did add a few more slides on key nutrients and specific foods to support heart health, but again for the price, I expected to have to tweak it. Thank you!
What is the point of providing slides with out speaking points? You have to write your own presentation. I thought this was the point of this.
There are presentations with speaker notes/script but that the affordable price of this presentation reflects the slides only content as outlined in the description. However, thanks for the suggestion of speaker notes. I may add that in the future and offer that version at a different price point.
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