Got gluten-free clients? Recent studies show that 1 in 5 people avoid gluten, so no matter what area of nutrition you work in, I’m sure you do. Save yourself some time and energy and make it easy to give gluten-free clients what they need and want to know in a nice little package.

There are now 2 versions of the gluten-free handout kit–the basic kit, with 18 handouts (32 pages). They cover all the essentials: gluten-free basics, the scoop on the 2014 labeling ruling, cross-contamination, sample easy recipes with a variety of food restrictions, healthier specialty products, insurance letters to facilitate reimbursement, and even a “cheat sheet” with ICD 10 codes.

Handouts include:

  • Gluten-Free Basics (2 pg)
  • Cross Contamination (3 pg)
  • Easy Gluten-free Meals from the Regular Grocery Store (4 pg)
  • Gluten-free and healthy (4 pg)
  • Easy Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Meals (4 pg)
  • New Gluten-Free Client Intake Form (2 pg)
  • Gluten-free Breakfasts (2 pg)
  • Gluten-Free Snacks (2 pg)
  • Gluten and Dairy Free Sources of Calcium
  • Dining Recommendations
  • Healthier Gluten-Free Specialty Products (2 pg)
  • Gluten-Free Menu Template (get a sneak peak here)
  • Best Gluten-Free Resources (overview of websites, books, etc. aimed at clients)
  • RD Celiac/GF resources (for RDs)
  • ICD 9 and 10 coding cheat sheet for MNT
  • Insurance letters for appeal of services
    • For RDs to send on behalf of a client
    • For Clients to send on their own behalf

The expanded kit covers traveling, school, 504 plans, grain-free meals, a vegetarian and vegan diet, including getting gluten-free protein, sneaky places gluten shows up in vegetarian food and more.

This saves you a lot of time and effort and gives both new patients and g-free veterans concrete suggestions and tools.

Updated Oct 2024

Cheryl Harris is a gluten-free expert who has been teaching dietitians and clients how to live and love a gluten-free diet for almost 20 years! She is also one of the trainers for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Certificate of Training in Gluten Related Disorders, and an author of numerous articles on gluten and Celiac disease for Today’s dietitian.

Looking for more? See the Gluten-Free Kit (expanded)

All handouts are NON-BRANDED and have a space to add your practice tagline.

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