Are you looking for gentle nutrition handouts for clients recovering from an eating disorder or disordered eating that help clarify the truth about digestion, carbs, protein, and fats? Do you want done for you handouts that are evidence based and addressed through an intuitive eating, health at every size perspective that are neutral, compassionate and encouraging? Then these handouts are for you!
The comprehensive Gentle Nutrition: Handouts for Eating Disorder Recovery Set Includes:
- Digestion 101
- Digestion Tips for common eating disorder problems
- Carbs 101 (including what they are, where they go, + signs that you’re not getting enough)
- Benefits of Carbs List + a more detailed list that includes explanation of each benefit.
- Dietary Fats 101 (including what they are, where they go, + signs that you’re not getting enough)
- Benefits of Dietary Fats List + a more detailed list that includes explanation of each benefit.
- Protein 101(including what they are, where they go, + signs that you’re not getting enough)
- Benefits of Protein List + a more detailed list that includes explanation of each benefit.
- Combination Foods (what they are, where they go, also briefly touches variety and balance)
- Benefits of including combination foods List + a more detailed list that includes explanation of each benefit.
The set is available in pdf format and includes two versions of the same handouts- one with design elements to add some color and one that is printer friendly with just plain text/ black and white. The complete set includes 46 pages including a cover page, a usage letter, 22 pages of color handouts and 22 pages of plain text/black and white handouts. Your purchase also includes any future updates to these handouts.
This comprehensive set of handouts is ready to print and use in session with clients. They’re great to use with individual appointments and can also be used in a group setting. As an International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals (IAEDP) Certified Eating Disorder Registered Dietitian (CEDRD) and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, I created these handouts as part of a virtual course I offer, but have also used them in individual sessions and with multiple groups. The usage letter included as part of the handout set also includes a few tips/ideas for how to use the handouts.
Terms and conditions
This document is to be used as a tool in nutrition counseling or nutrition groups. It is not intended to replace 1:1 care of the treatment of an eating disorder, disordered eating, other types of nutrition counseling. The author is not responsible for errors, omissions, or individual usage. All materials are protected under copyright and are only intended for use by the sole individual or entity who purchased the template.
License: You may not share, sell, or distribute these files to others. Printed files are permitted for use with clients in individual or group sessions only. By purchasing and using this file you agree to include copyright information on all pages. You may not remove copyright information. You may add your logo as long as it doesn’t cover copyright information located at the bottom/center of the page.
Social Media: Should you decide to use the content from these handouts to create social images, please give credit to the creator and tag me (@mysignaturenutrition) as the source.
Because this purchase includes digital files, no refunds will be made
©2019 My Signature Nutrition, LLC. My Signature Nutrition maintains all rights to the design and files.
I have thoroughly enjoyed using these handouts. Can we get the updated version by chance if we have already purchased them?
The most recent version of a purchased product is available in your customer account. Visit the downloads section for link.
Great information and nicely done handouts! Saved me tons of time creating resources to share with clients. Thank you!!
Just as the title says, these handouts offer nutrition education in a gentle way that supports the clients in eating disorder recovery. They are founded in science and evidence based and a fantastic resource for this population.
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