Do you feel like a broken record when it comes to phosphorus? Are you looking for some fresh approaches to helping your patients improve phosphorus levels? If you said yes- then this handout bundle is for you. You’ll get 5 new handouts plus some creatively designed binder reminders!
- What’s really HARD about phosphorus: reviews negative side effects of high phos and reviews tools patients can use to improve phosphorus. A worksheet is included so that you can work with the patient to consider their priorities, knowledge needs, and barriers to improving phosphorus, and implement a plan.
- Watch your phos: provides some fresh facts about phos- especially that eating the right amount of phosphorus benefits everyone, not just those with CKD. This is a great handout if your patient needs some social support at meals. They also get tips on how to eat less phosphorus/ improve serum phosphorus levels. This handout as well as the What’s really HARD handout utilize more words which can help you be more efficient with your time by: 1) giving it to the patient to review ahead of time and then having a discussion with them, and 2) the patient has more written information incase of poor memory or family at home who reviews the handouts.
- Transplant- what’s the big deal with phos: designed like an infographic- this handout shares how high phosphorus can impact transplant. It can be used like a poster (8.5×11) or actually handed out. There is a more colorful version available as well as a more printer-friendly one.
- Finding hidden phosphorus: this handout reviews the different sources of phosphorus, why phosphorus can be a problem, tips on avoiding phosphorus additives at the grocery store and eating out ( plus a label to show them how to identify phosphorus additives), and provides a picture list of foods to watch for that might have phosphorus additives. This handout utilizes lots of pictures to engage the patient and works well for lower literacy.
- Tips to remember your binder: this can be used alone or added to additional education as needed. Fresh ideas on ways your patients can remember to take their binders.
- Binder reminder designs: there is a printable binder reminder pdf as well as 5 JPG files that are creative binder reminders that can be used to print onto transfer paper and can be used as temporary tattoos or transferred to things like magnets, phones etc as a visual reminder to take binders.
This handout bundle is designed to provide fresh ideas and approaches to help you help your patients have more interest and success in improving phosphorus levels.
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