What do you give new patients when they first start dialysis so they know what to eat AND have good lab results? What do you give patients when you have already given them every handout on protein or phosphorus?
This dialysis handout bundle provides new handouts with a fresh approach to helping patients make diet changes to improve their health.
- It’s not just about protein- addresses the variety of reasons your patients can have low albumin and simple things they can do to improve it.
- Dialysis grocery list- provides a list of foods for patients to choose from to make delicious kidney-friendly meals
- What do I eat now that I am on dialysis- shows step by step how to build a kidney-friendly meal, meal inspiration ideas AND quick no-cook ideas, including kidney-friendly guidelines for frozen/ pre-prepared meals for patients who don’t have the time, energy or skill to cook.
- Sodium 101- provides an overview of why a low sodium diet is important, foods to choose, foods to a avoid and tips for eating out
- Potassium 101- for those who need a potassium restriction- why it is important, different causes of high potassium, foods to to limit, ways to resolve constipation
- Problems with high fluid gains- provides solutions for dry mouth and thirst, ways to be more aware of fluid intake and tips for fluid management
- Finding hidden phosphorus- Explains the different sources of phosphorus, how to identify it, and foods to watch
- Tips to remember your binder provides creative ways to help patients remember to take their phosphorus binders
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