Inflammation and heart disease are significant issues that affect most people with chronic kidney disease. Whether your patients are on dialysis or have stage 3-5 kidney disease, adding healthy fats to help reduce inflammation can significantly improve their health. Many patients may take omega 3 supplements, but this adds to pill burden, and food sources are the generally the optimal way to get nutrients and focus on healthy diet patterns. However, getting healthy fats from food sources may be a challenge for CKD patients due potassium restriction or not knowing how to incorporate them into a renal diet.
This 2 page handout provides:
- A short explanation about inflammation
- A food list with the amount of mono and polyunsaturated fat, potassium and phosphorus in a given serving size
- Cautions and tips to include healthy fat foods while maintaining an optimal potassium level
- Kidney-friendly ideas for adding the healthy fat foods for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks
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