Have you ever been reviewing a diet recall and wish that you had some food lists handy so you could easily estimate fiber intake? Have you been stumped on what kind of pre or probiotic foods you could recommend to improve gut health? Are you new to dialysis and still trying to figure out what food has what nutrient?
This food list bundle is going to make your life so much easier! You can print off these lists and laminate them to use for reference to help you identify appropriate food substitutions, sources of nutrients if levels are too high or just become more familiar with foods containing a certain nutrient. The lists included in this bundle are:
- Protein Food list- Amount of potassium, phosphorus, and sodium are listed as well. Plant proteins are listed as well!
- Cheese nutrient comparison- amount of calcium, potassium, phosphorus and sodium listed
- Milk alternative nutrient comparison- calcium, potassium, presence of phosphorus additives, sodium and protein amounts
- High fiber foods list- fiber and potassium amounts
- Potassium food list
- High calcium foods list- high and medium high calcium foods along with calcium, phosphorus and potassium amounts
- Phosphorus food list
- Healthy Fats food list – amount of MUFA, PUFA, phos and potassium, also includes a graph showing the percentage of fats in common oils
- Pre and probiotics foods list
- High and low oxalate food list
- Soft foods list/ foods to avoid appropriate for those with CKD
This list is a great investment to save you time, help you provide practical recommendations to patients, and improve your food and nutrient knowledge base.
Data for the food lists were obtained primarily from the Nutrition Coordinating Center Food and Nutrient Database, peer reviewed journal articles, brand websites, dietitian websites, Food Data Central, and Bowes and Church’s Food Values of Portions Commonly Used.
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