Does charting take you forever? Do you feel like your notes are disorganized or unhelpful when you go back to review them? Or do you fill like you have to rewrite your note out for the patient so they remember the nutrition plan?
Save your time and your sanity with this helpful toolkit which contains:
- Nutrition assessment (initial and follow up) template (pdf)
- Nutrition plan (in a word document so you can add your brand and make your own adjustments for interventions you regularly use!)
- Nutrition Assessment Resources
- BONUS: Free nutrition diagnosis list that helps you put together great PES statements that are commonly used in CKD
The assessment forms use:
- The nutrition care process/ ADIME to help you organize your data (Assessment, Nutrition Diagnosis, Intervention, Monitoring and Evaluation)
- Check boxes where possible to make it quick and easy to document
- Tables to organize information
- Prefilled in nutrition diagnosis commonly used in for initial CKD consultations
- Prefilled in estimated needs guidelines (based on the most recent KDOQI guidelines)
The nutrition plan provides a goals section and an intervention with checkboxes, so that at the end of your session you can quickly check the boxes of what you have recommended for your patient. It is a word document so you can make your own adjustments to the interventions already listed as well as branding.
The Nutrition Assessment Resources provides links to different resources that people new to CKD, or new to PES statements might find helpful as they are honing their assessment skills. It is not meant to be a comprehensive list, but something to get you started and on your way.
PES statements are getting more attention, but can be overwhelming if you aren’t used to using them or you are new to CKD. This list is in table form which lists common CKD nutrition diagnosis: the root cause (related to) and the evidence (signs and symptoms) which makes it quicker than reviewing a list of hundreds of nutrition diagnosis that may or may not apply.
Super amazing especially the PES statements. Helped me streamline my charts for the project I am working on. Highly recommend!
The materials provided in my purchase are comprehensive and very practical for redoing my CKD documentation. I also appreciated having the supporting material especially a reference handout for Commonly Used Nutrition Diagnosis in CKD. Very happy with this. Thank you!
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