What do you do when:

  • A patient asks you if cinnamon can help lower their blood sugar?
  • If there is something they can take to help with all their itching (and phos is normal)
  • The doctor asks you for a reference and dose for using an omega 3 supplement in patients with a graft?
  • When the doctor tells the patient to take melatonin for sleep issues and the patient asks you for the dose?

You whip out this handy clinician guide of course!!

Herbs and dietary supplements can be potentially helpful or harmful to our patients.  As dietitians, we are often the ones who evaluate supplements or make recommendations.  Making a judgement we feel confident in can take lots of time, effort, or expertise we may not have.  Luckily, this clinician guide has done lots of work for you, and includes the latest research.

This guide includes dietary supplements with 2 sections: Supplements that support kidney health and Common supplements your CKD patients take for other conditions.  You will get a quick reference summary of:

  • Typical uses for the supplement
  • The current level of evidence for those uses
  • Doses and form used in clinical studies (where possible, doses from CKD populations have been used, but this was not possible for many of the herbs or supplements)
  • Possible CKD considerations, other tips for using the supplement
  • Possible medication interactions
  • References for all the the information provided

It also includes 2 pages of questions/ considerations and resources to guide you in recommending brands to patients.

This is a guide for USING herbs and supplements, so it doesn’t provide information about herbs and supplements to avoid or use caution with.  For that there is a free resource you can check out: Tips for using herbs and supplements in kidney disease.

This is all presented in table form (see example below) to provide quick easy access to the information.  A list of references is also included to provide you with additional resources to help you better evaluate and recommend supplements for renal disease. 

The supplements included are: Alpha lipoic acid, aloe, CoQ10, astragalus,  cinnamon, cordyceps mushroom, cranberry, dan shen, echinacea, omega 3, rehmannia, garlic, ginger, ginkgo biloba, Bovine colostrum, hibiscus, licorice/ DGL, mastic gum, melatonin, milk thistle, MSM, NAC, Oregano, senna, turmeric/ curcumin, vitamin C and vitamin D.  

2024 Update:

  • Separate sections for CKD support supplements and commonly used supplements. 
  • Added new herbs (specifically added more kidney support herbs and supplements to used in supporting gut health)
  • Took out herbs with little to no evidence to focus on herbs and supplements that can be USED!
  • Updated references


Average rating: 2.00 out of 5 stars
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  • Supplement Guide

    Loved some of her other resources but this guide was very similar to several other supplement guides for general nutrition. So not worth the price especially if you already have other guides. Also was hoping it touched on multivitamin use too but did not. Definitely recommend some of her other CKD products like the bundle with PES statements saved a lot of time but not this one unless it were significantly cheaper

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