Page preview of 30 Day Water Challenge tracking sheet.

Most of our clients are NOT drinking enough water, especially if they are complaining about constipation, tiredness, excess hunger and brain fog. This 30 day challenge is a great printable to share, encourage and track increased water intake and how they feel! Share this with group coaching programs to aid in encouraging better hydration, share with handouts for new patients or use this as a tracker to help your clients start to drink more water throughout the day.  Use this for basic education with young athletes, the aging population to encourage better hydration status and less UTIs or the generally healthy adult population that wants to increase their water intake.

Practical use ideas:

  • Healthy Habits Challenge
  • Tracking water intake
  • Education around hydration and goals
  • Hydration Challenge

Just print and share!


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  • Handy!

    This is a great hand-out. Simple and easy to fill out daily. Everyone is dehydrated!

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