Are your clients asking you about foods that “boost” the immune system? Are you looking for a presentation with information that your clients actually want to know?
Now more than ever people are recognizing the role that good nutrition and a complete diet plays in supporting the immune system. This makes sense knowing that over 70% of your immune system resides within your gut! But let’s face it – there is so much information out there on foods to support the immune system – some is true, and some is very false.
I’ve done the research so you don’t have to!
This presentation provides research-backed, easy-to-read information on how nutrition and the immune system are connected as well as top foods and realistic lifestyle habits to support proper immune functioning.
What will your audience learn?
- A brief 2-slide overview on how food affects the immune system.
- Ways to support your immune system through good nutrition and health habits
- Specific micronutrients that have been studied for their impact on the immune system
- Top 8 foods to focus on to support the immune system (with research to back it up!)
- How to incorporate immune-supporting foods in their diet
The details:
- PowerPoint format
- Title slide + 13 information slides + 2 reference slides + 1 thank you/contact information slide
- Non-branded! You have the ability to use your company’s name and logo
- High quality images
- Script for presenting this PowerPoint is not provided – limited notes available
Interested in presenting this information? Check out the handout that goes with it: “Top 8 Immune-Supporting Foods”
INSTANT DOWNLOAD: Once you purchase this item, it will be available for instant download from Well Resourced Dietitian.
LICENSE: You may not share, sell, or distribute the file.
© 2020 Real Good Nutrition LLC. Real Good Nutrition LLC retains all rights to the design and file.
Because this is a digital file, no refunds will be made.
Not as helpful or a time saver as I expected it to be. It’s not difficult to add artful photos to a blank presentation. Photos like these are free on Even though its visually appealing it didn’t get the job done. My suggestions 1. For second slide add the presentations overview: How nutrients affect the immune system, Top 8 Foods to Support Immunity. The presentation is very short, so elaborate more as well. Most of all, leave notes for the speaker. Though it didn’t come with notes, a presentation should. This will prevent the buyer from having to look up the same research that was supplied from each of the references provided and then read them, if they have access to them, in order to craft the words behind the presentation. Third, use darker font and images that are legible such as good enough to be copied and pasted. I had to recreate this presentation to change the font so people can see it and I had to design some of my own pictures because some of the images could not be made out when pasted into the new presentation. This presentation is worth $15. Snippets of information does not make a presentation.
This was a super helpful resource with great graphics and clear slides regarding the topic. I was able to revise with updated info regarding COVID stats and logo. Thanks so much for providing this for a resource!!:)
This is beautiful and easy to use. It is great to use during COVID 19 for simple education to keep clients healthy
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