Say good-bye to the time-consuming process of researching and developing your own sports nutrition handouts. Respected sports nutritionist Nancy Clark MS RD CSSD has created this set of 16 reproducible fact sheets that can save you hours of preparation time. Why re-invent the wheel?
Clear, concise & accurate, these handouts are perfect for active people from fitness exercisers to professional athletes. If desired, add simply your logo and phone number in the space provided, make copies, and then distribute at workshops, health fairs, and sporting events, or give them to your clients, student-athletes and their parents, and sports teams.
Handout Topics (16):
- Sports Nutrition Tips – A brief overview of how to best fuel muscles and wisely choose quick energy snacks, fluids, pre-exercise meals and recovery foods
- Foods – Ever wondered what to eat after hard exercise? This handout explains how to refuel.
- Top Sports Foods – Eating on the run? Choose from this list of popular sports foods that are rich in vitamins, readily available and healthful.
- Pre-Competition Meals – Suggestions to ease the anxiety about when and what to eat pre-event.
- Fluids, Dehydration & Thirst Quenchers – Answers to questions about the best use of fluids and sports drinks, before, during and after exercise.
- Carbohydrate Loading – Tips for the endurance athlete: A “how to” guide for fueling for marathons and events longer than 90 minutes.
- Foods Highest in Carbohydrates – A thorough list of high energy foods. A must for serious athletes who want to make the best food choices.
- Carbs “To Go” – Tips for the traveling athlete: A practical approach to choosing high energy sports foods in restaurants and when eating on the road.
- Iron – How to boost your intake: Important information for women, vegetarians, and all athletes who want to reduce the risk of becoming anemic.
- Breakfast for Champions – The whys and hows of selecting a high-energy breakfast that contributes to top performance all day.
- How to Handle Eating Disorders – Tips for coaches, friends, parents. Suggestions on ways to effectively confront athletes who struggle with food.
- Nutrition Tips for Female Athletes with Amenorrhea – Tips to help even restrictive eaters improve their diets to support normal bodily functions.
- How to Lose Weight and Maintain Energy – These twelve steps to successful weight reduction highlight healthful eating tips to help achieve weight goals.
- How to Gain Weight Healthfully – Food suggestions that can boost caloric intake healthfully without expensive supplements.
- Tips for the Athlete with Diabetes – A concise overview about how to balance food and exercise.
- The Compulsive Athlete – Thoughts about food. An enlightening discussion of traits characteristic to compulsive exercisers who obsess about food and weight.
Reproducible Sports Nutrition Handouts, Complete Set, $129
Exactly what I needed to provide to sports parents and athletes! Thank you for providing this resource Megan!
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