Ever wonder what I should do with clients that no- show? Or if their payment or insurance does not go through?  How to let your client know what they are paying for? What about a refund policy? Every private practice owner should have policies that address just that.  Often times these policies are wrapped up into a document that is called a “Financial Agreement”.

Every private practice owner should have policies that address just that.  Often times these policies are wrapped up into a document that is called a “Financial Agreement”.

This agreement template is available for your usage in a word document. It is filled with policies on:

  • Process
  • No-show, late, and rescheduling
  • Types of services, Scope of Work
  • Payments that are accepted
  • Authorization to bill medical insurance and the “what ifs”

All of this is available is a professional agreement template that can be customized or copy and paste to an EHR.  Check out the example below:


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  • no show policy

    It seemed concise but a little hard to import my graphics. Thanks for saving me lots of time!!

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