We, as a society, are busy, stressed, need more physical activity and have poor eating habits. Nutrition advice is confusing! This presentation teaches the audience how to get out of the diet mentality by learning how to nourish the body, not deprive it.

This non-branded 31 slide PowerPoint Presentation is great for an audience looking to learn more about healthy, sustainable habits and how to achieve weight loss in a healthy manner. Slides have a clean appearance with clear images.

This presentation includes the following topics:

  1. Get Enough Sleep
  2. Manage & Reduce Your Stress Levels
  3. Focus on Meal Timing
  4. Balance Your Plate
  5. Choose Healthy Snacks
  6. Make Better Beverage Choices
  7. Stay Active

Number of slides: 31

Length of presentation: 60 minutes (includes Q&A time)

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