prenatal nutrition workshop

The world of nutrition is already a confusing one for many of our clients. When you factor in a pregnancy it becomes even more so! Prenatal nutrition is often confusing and conflicting. In most cases, our clients’ practitioners haven’t gone into depth about what they should be eating to nourish themselves during pregnancy, and to help their baby grow! For some, women are simply told to “take your prenatal and you’ll be fine”. As nutrition experts, doesn’t this make us cringe? We know there’s a whole lot more to nourishing ourselves than taking a supplement!  

This workshop is meant to help YOU, the nutrition expert, serve mamas-to-be during a time when what they’re eating is most important. You’ll help women discover what nutrients are crucial to consume during pregnancy and the foods that are most beneficial to building a healthy baby. You’ll help them bust myths when it comes to the foods they should avoid and talk about how to manage pregnancy symptoms like nausea and constipation. And, you’ll address prenatal supplements from a nutrition expert’s point of view.

Created using a dialogue approach, this workshop engages your learners with a thought-provoking question about what they’ve already been told about prenatal nutrition (or maybe they haven’t!); expands their knowledge about how to optimally nourish themselves for a better prenatal experience; exercises that knowledge with myth-busting true or false quiz; and, elevates their skills with a thought-provoking takeaway. 

For just $15, the basic toolkit contains:

  • A customizable PowerPoint presentation
  • Lesson plan outline
  • Prenatal Supplements 101 reference sheet
  • Food Safety during Pregnancy reference sheet
  • A list of the top nutrient-dense foods for pregnancy
  • Pregnancy Symptoms, Nutrition Solutions reference sheet
  • True / False quiz sheet 
  • True / False answer sheet for leader

For just $25, the upgraded toolkit contains:

  • All of the above
  • PLUS a thorough, 25-page script hitting the major evidence-based points to bring up when it comes to prenatal nutrition, discussion prompts, and instructions on how to host an online OR in person workshop.


This lesson is well-suited for women who are either thinking about becoming pregnant, or who may already be pregnant. If you’d like to learn more about my approach to creating engaging and dynamic workshops, check out my workbook here on Well Resourced Dietitian Marketplace that walks you through creating your very own!

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