Many patients with kidney disease are anxious to follow a low protein diet to improve or preserve kidney function, but don’t know where to start. Many RDs want to help their patients do this- but may have concerns about preventing malnutrition, or don’t have the time to develop the tools/ handouts to help patients make the transition workable.
This plant-based protein tool kit does TONS of work for you and your patients, making it easy for patients to make changes to their eating habits which will help them towards their kidney health goals, and gives you the tools to ensure they do it in a healthy way to avoid common pitfalls of low protein diets and have a good food quality of life.
This bundle includes:
Tools for dietitians:
- Estimated needs sheet- an easy reference table of macro and micronutrients guidelines for those with CKD and following a plant-based diet.
- Nutrients (mainly minerals) to watch for in plant-based diets reference table- Some food choices may need to be more intentional to meet estimated needs. This tool helps you easily recommend specific foods your patients can add to ensure their diet is well balanced. This list focuses on minerals because renal vitamin supplements generally cover the estimated vitamin needs, but not minerals.
- Plant-protein list- this list makes it easy for you to see how much protein is in common plant foods so you can guide patients to get just the right amount of protein. It also lists the sodium, potassium and phosphorus content in the foods so you can help them navigate other nutrients they may need to eat more or less of.
- Write up- Finding confidence in implementing plant-based diets- this write up is helpful especially for those who may be new to recommending plant-based diets, have patients or other healthcare team members who have concerns or questions about plant-based diets.
Handouts for patients:
- Plant-based grocery list- gives your patients a clear list of foods to have on hand as they make the transition to a plant-based diet.
- Fast low protein plant-based meals- Low literacy, no recipe meal ideas to give patients quick and easy options for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
- Easy protein swaps- patients can easily see how to modify recipes or what to swap out while eating out to include more plants and less protein. Also provided are foundational plant-based recipes.
- Ways to eat less protein- this handout meets patients where they are at and helps them ease into plant-based diets by exploring common types of meals that should be familiar and how to add more vegetables or decrease protein. Also provided are resources for finding plant-based recipes.
- Easy ways to eat more vegetables- this handout give patients a stepping stool to start making positive changes, but maybe they don’t have as much experience cooking or have current low intake of vegetables.
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