Slide previews of Joyful Movement presentation.

Looking to present to a group on exercise that incorporates intuitive eating principles of joyful movement? Are you looking for a presentation that includes actionable steps for participants so they feel confident knowing what they can do at the end of your talk?

This presentation features a non-diet, weight neutral approach and focuses on helping participants journey through understanding their drivers and barriers for moving their body, explores common exercise mind traps that keep people stuck and includes 4 different writing/reflective activities so your presentation is engaging and interactive throughout! Your participants will walk away feeling confident with their next steps towards incorporating daily movement into their lives.

What will your audience gain/learn?

  • Changing language to empower joyful movement
  • Discovering their own ‘why’
  • Common barriers and exercise mind traps and tips for breaking through these barriers
  • Customized pathway for each participant to develop their own unique movement personality
  • Positive affirmations for long term sustainability and positive motivation

The details: 

  • PowerPoint format
  • Title slide + 1 “about me” slide + 14 information slides + 1 thank you/contact information slide
  • Non-branded! You have the ability to use your company’s name and logo
  • High quality images
  • Full presenter’s notes

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