Hunger Scale + SMART Goals

This hunger scale is designed for individuals who aim to maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle by monitoring their hunger levels accurately. It also includes a page on SMART goals with specific examples for clients to be able to reference when creating their own goals.

Problems/ Issue to Address during education:

  • Difficulty in gauging hunger levels accurately, leading to overeating or undereating.
  • Lack of awareness of when to eat and how much.
  • Inconsistent hunger signals, making it challenging to maintain a balanced intake.
  • Walk through creating a SMART goal with your client at the end of a session

Key Features:

  • Clear Visualization: The hunger scale provides a visual representation of hunger levels, ranging from 1 (starving) to 10 (stuffed), helping users understand their current appetite status. The SMART goals outlines all 5 letters and what they stand for, along with examples.
  • Simple Usage: Users can easily identify their hunger level by referring to this scale, fostering mindfulness. They may also want to create SMART goals in the future and look at examples, which is where this resource really shines.

Encourage patients to print this resource and put it on their fridge or download as a phone background!

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