$4.00 USD (about $5 CAD)

You get a picture of the human digestive system (gastrointestinal tract and accessory organs).

Each structure is a different color and they each have a label, such as the mouth, salivary glands, or small intestine.
The bottom of the handout lists the three parts of the small intestine (e.g. ileum) and the six parts of the large intestine (e.g. appendix and colon). Each of these parts do not have their own color and label in the picture.
The picture is drawn in a simple way. For example, the small intestine is shorter than normal. The lungs and other internal structures are not shown.
The picture is an adult male, but the types of digestive structures are the same in other people too.
The handout does not explain information about each structure.
Format: A 1-page PDF (letter size) of black, typed text with a colored picture that I drew on my computer.

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Search tags (ignore these): diagram, drawings, graphics, images, figure, poster, head, neck, body, oral health, bolus, chyme, tongue, throat/pharynx, food pipe / esophagus, stomach acid, liver, hepatic, gallbladder, bile duct, biliary, pancreas, pancreatic enzymes, intestinal, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, rectum, anal canal, anus, pathway, stool, feces, fecal matter transplantation, GI, movements, dysphagia, eating, swallowing, food, diet, fluid/liquid/drinking, digestion, absorption, excretion, bariatric surgery, resection, stoma, nutrition support, enteral, parenteral, tube feeding, inflammatory bowel disease / IBD, reflux, ulcer, GERD, man, seniors, elderly, patient, registered dietitian/nutritionist.

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