This is the most popular plan used that truly educates patients on food, once and for all. After each education, patients say, “that makes so much sense and seems easy to do!” Specific food lists and instructions with how to track intake teaches patients exactly how to succeed. Common benefits are weight loss, decreased systemic inflammation, joint pain decreases, brain fog lifts, cravings are reduced with increased satiety, and improved labs (blood glucose, lipids, inflammatory markers, etc.)
The Healthy Weight Food Plan:
Is incredibly effective for patients with dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome, diabetes type 1 or 2, obesity, who need a low carb diet
Is based on low carbs, moderate high-quality protein and high healthy fat intake
Teaches how to count and track macro nutrients for success using an app or in a journal
Provides a non-stressful, easy-to-prepare, 7 day meal plan
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