This is the ultimate resource on functional nutrition, gut health, and fixing all health problems at the root. There is a lot of research out there; it is now all compiled into one guidebook.

Whether you’re new to functional nutrition or an old pro, this eBook is a must-have for anyone who wants to successfully resolve their clients’ problems.

You’ll learn:

  • The 3 root causes of most conditions and diagnoses and how to fix them, for good.
  • The brain gut connection.
  • The hormone gut connection.
  • The ins and outs of how stress effects the body.

You’ll get:

  • The most extensive details on the 5R protocol, step by step.
  • A complete guide to elimination diets.
  • A comprehensive collection of information on the microbiome and leaky gut.
  • The total skinny on probiotics, fermented foods, prebiotics, and polyphenols, including recipes.
  • Mindset pep talks to give your clients.
  • A complete guide to supplements for the gut and the 5Rs, including brands, dosing, and more.
  • Case studies to see how it all fits together.

With this eBook you’ll:

  • Learn how to design a treatment plan that works.
  • Learn the secrets that have gotten 100s of my clients singing my praises from the rooftops.
  • Feel confident and know how to help your clients.



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  • Health Takes Guts

    Excellent e-book on gut health. Very detailed explaining the root causes of many gastrointestinal diseases and solutions to help not only alleviate symptoms, but to help eliminate the problem.
    I have taken webinars & courses on the gut microbiome, but Dianne’s book really put it all in perspective for me.

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