content preview of feeding your busy brain handout

ADHD symptoms can get in the way of eating. This handout includes 5 strategies for supporting regular, consistent, and adequate intake for adults and teens with ADHD. Each strategy listed explain the barriers presented by ADHD, why the strategy is helpful for addressing these barriers, and provides multiple specific examples of ways to implement the strategy. At the end of the handout is a space for clients to write in a few SMART goals as a way of getting started.

This is a non-diet and weight-inclusive handout.


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  • Great Information

    This is a really great educational resource! My only feedback is that the sections are relatively long – which while great as an RD for understanding the recommendations, I can’t see an ADHD client taking the time to read all of these. If you plan to use for client education it may be helpful to go through and bold or highlight key parts of the paragraphs, or try to pare down the information included.

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