content previews for virtual diabetes education toolkit

You have an appointment with a patient diagnosed with diabetes. You have back-to-back patients and a limited amount of time. Experience has taught you that the most questions are:

  • What foods can I eat?
  • How much can I eat?

Where do you start? What topics do you tackle first? To hook your clients, your teaching tools need to:

  • Include visuals to speed up understanding
  • Contain client engagement to help patients use the newly acquired information
  • Provide an opportunity to interact with the information to help them retain the information.

This diabetes toolkit will help you:

  • Reduce consultation time
  • In less than 3 minutes, identify what the client doesn’t know so you can focus on what the client needs to know.
  • Engage the client in the learning process using “real-life examples.”
  • Document patient learning and upload the assessment to your electronic health record or practice management platform.
  • Print, download, and share the teaching tools

What topics will you be able to teach? 13 teaching topics and 8 interactive activities

  • How do different macronutrients affect blood glucose levels?
  • How does insulin work?
  • In less than 3 minutes, this carbohydrate assessment activity will show you what your client knows about carbs!
  • After you teach the client where is the carb? you need to teach them how much carb is in the foods they eat?
    • The teaching toolkit will provide you with quick, yet effective activities to discover how much carbohydrate is in fruits, vegetables and mixed meals.
  • If your client good at math? Restricted numeracy is more common than you think. People may read food labels but don’t know how to interpret it, especially when it involves fractions – Have you ever asked a client to tell you what is half a serving of 1 1/2 cups of cereal? In diabetes, math is key. You will find activities to assess your client’s numeracy skills. This will take less than 3 minutes.
  • Sugar, added sugars, fiber, and total carbohydrate? You will find simple and effective activities to teach these concepts and you will know what your client knows.
  • Let’s face it. We don’t always use the plate method because we eat mixed dishes like lasagna, soup, and stews? How do you teach your client to carb count when they eat mixed dishes? You will find an activity to help your client learn how to identify carbs like a pro.

What will you receive when you buy this diabetes teaching toolkit?

  • Portrait and landscape orientation to suit your clients’ preferences whether they use telephone or computer screen for the virtual consultation
  • Patient diabetes education knowledge assessment form in a fillable PDF form to assess your patient’s knowledge
  • A video explaining how to use the tool and activities
  • Don’t want to watch the video? No problem. There is an instruction sheet explaining how to use each of the 13 tools and 8 activities


page preview diabetes teaching tool

page preview diabetes teaching tool

page preview diabetes teaching tool


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  • Diabetes Teaching Tools for Your Virtual Practice

    Lorena Drago is the quintessential registered dietitian/nutritionist and diabetes care and education specialist. Her latest resource is perfect for the RDN who is looking for simple but effective ways to assess and teach the fundamentals of diabetes nutrition. This toolkit is now my “go-to” for for virtual or in-person visits. The visuals are culturally sensitive; they can be taught topically or as a bundle. I’m going to use them in medical education with our pharmacy residents, medical students and physician colleagues. My advice to practitioners, don’t reinvent the wheel, Lorena’s already done that. Worth the $20!

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