Dementia-Friendly Meal & Snack Guide

Nourishment in dementia can be a challenge. This guide is built with family and caregivers in mind to help ease some of the stress around which foods to serve to those living with dementia.

This guide is for you if you’re looking to help patients and families:

  • Simplify meal planning and take the guesswork out of what to serve to their person with dementia
  • Increase overall food variety for people living with dementia
  • Find new inspiration and have a collection of quick ideas for meal and snack combinations
  • Involve their person with dementia in meal and snack selection with visual food lists

In addition to meal and snack ideas, I’ve included specific tools to help caregivers track daily meal intakes and food preferences. These tools help to identify patterns and trends around food and beverage intake for those living with dementia.

What’s Included in the Dementia-Friendly Meal & Snack Guide?

  1. Sample meal schedule
  2. Customizable meal schedule
  3. Dementia-friendly plate method
  4. Breakfast ideas (visual and written)
  5. Lunch ideas (visual and written)
  6. Dinner ideas (visual and written)
  7. Snack ideas (visual and written)
  8. Finger food ideas (visual and written)
  9. Finger food tip sheet
  10. Finger food list
  11. Sample 7-day meal plan
  12. Tool: Customizable 7-day meal plan
  13. Tool: Likes and dislikes
  14. Tool: Daily food journal
  15. Tool: Grocery list
  16. Smoothie builder with 7 recipes

Looking for More Resources for Dementia Nutrition?

If you found this resource helpful, you’ll want to take a look at my other dementia-friendly options:

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