$8.00 USD (about $11 CAD)

You get the following 8 files about Canada’s Food Guide (CFG):

  1)  A summary that describes 3 ways to determine food portions (estimate plate portions, estimate serving sizes, or measure foods).
  A sample 1-day meal plan for each of the following gender and age groups:
      2)  Females 19-50 years.
      3)  Females 51 years or older.
      4)  Males 19-50 years.
      5)  Males 51 years or older.
  A list of webpage titles (with links) of:
      6)  CFG 2007 resources.
      7)  CFG 2019 main resources.
      8)  CFG 2019 recipes.
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File #1 to #5 are based on the 2007 and 2019 CFG.
File #1 includes some tips at the end.
Files #2 to #5 (sample meal plans):
  • Each file includes a few notes at the beginning, a table of how many food group servings to have at each meal and snack, a table of the type and amount of foods to have at each meal and snack, and then a list of simple recipes (just names like a “stir fry”) for each meal and snack.
  • Each table includes 3 meals and 2 or 3 snacks.
  • The files do NOT include full recipe instructions, a grocery list, calorie/nutrient information, or plans about fluid intake. Each plan likely provides about 1700-2200 calories in total.
  • The plans are based on a sedentary (low) level of physical activity.
  • The files usually only show general food names, such as “cooked rice” and “milk”.
  • Flavor ingredients (e.g. spices) are not in the plans, but you can include them.
  • The files include animal-based foods, like chicken.
  • The plans may or may not be appropriate for people with certain medical conditions.
Files #6 to #8 are included for FREE. In these files, the links are hidden so that you just have to click on the titles to open the webpages. I created these files on December 13, 2022.
File #6: One of the webpages has a table of calorie needs and calories provided by the CFG.
File #8: The list organizes recipes into categories, such as rice or salads. Each recipe is only written once in this list.
  • 8 PDF files of text with no pictures, except that file #1 has two plate drawings (no color). File #6 is 1 page long; files #2 and #3 are each 2 pages long; files #1, #4, #5, and #7 are each 3 pages long; and file #8 is 5 pages long. Each page is a letter size.
  • The files will be in a zip folder. Double click the folder to open it. If you want to, you can copy the files and then paste them into a regular folder.
Please look at the 2007 and 2019 versions of CFG before looking at my files.
Note: Health Canada created CFG and I did not help to create it.

What are you allowed to do with the above files? – Please follow the Terms of Service (some of them are summarized HERE). 

The word “PREVIEW” will not be in the files that you buy.

Search tags (ignore these): portion control, measuring cups/spoons, food scale, visually/visualize/visualizing, estimation, measurement, guidelines, generally, healthy diet / eating pattern, weight loss/gain, kcal, energy, macronutrients, macros, vegetables, fruits, whole / refined grains, products, fiber / fibre, milk, dairy, meat, alternatives, unsaturated fats, fatty acids, protein, breakfast, morning, lunch, dinner, afternoon, supper, cooking, kitchen, dining out, restaurants, index, adults, older, seniors/elders, Canadian, North America, table of contents, website, monitoring, wellness, registered dietitian/nutritionist.   

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