$8.00 USD (about $11 CAD)
You get the following 8 files about Canada’s Food Guide (CFG):
1) A summary that describes 3 ways to determine food portions (estimate plate portions, estimate serving sizes, or measure foods).
A sample 1-day meal plan for each of the following gender and age groups:
2) Females 19-50 years.
3) Females 51 years or older.
4) Males 19-50 years.
5) Males 51 years or older.
A list of webpage titles (with links) of:
6) CFG 2007 resources.
7) CFG 2019 main resources.
8) CFG 2019 recipes.
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File #1 to #5 are based on the 2007 and 2019 CFG.
File #1 includes some tips at the end.
Files #2 to #5 (sample meal plans):
Each file includes a few notes at the beginning, a table of how many food group servings to have at each meal and snack, a table of the type and amount of foods to have at each meal and snack, and then a list of simple recipes (just names like a “stir fry”) for each meal and snack.
Each table includes 3 meals and 2 or 3 snacks.
The files do NOT include full recipe instructions, a grocery list, calorie/nutrient information, or plans about fluid intake. Each plan likely provides about 1700-2200 calories in total.
The plans are based on a sedentary (low) level of physical activity.
The files usually only show general food names, such as “cooked rice” and “milk”.
Flavor ingredients (e.g. spices) are not in the plans, but you can include them.
The files include animal-based foods, like chicken.
The plans may or may not be appropriate for people with certain medical conditions.
Files #6 to #8 are included for FREE. In these files, the links are hidden so that you just have to click on the titles to open the webpages. I created these files on December 13, 2022.
File #6: One of the webpages has a table of calorie needs and calories provided by the CFG.
File #8: The list organizes recipes into categories, such as rice or salads. Each recipe is only written once in this list.
8 PDF files of text with no pictures, except that file #1 has two plate drawings (no color). File #6 is 1 page long; files #2 and #3 are each 2 pages long; files #1, #4, #5, and #7 are each 3 pages long; and file #8 is 5 pages long. Each page is a letter size.
The files will be in a zip folder. Double click the folder to open it. If you want to, you can copy the files and then paste them into a regular folder.
Please look at the 2007 and 2019 versions of CFG before looking at my files.
Note: Health Canada created CFG and I did not help to create it.
What are you allowed to do with the above files? – Please follow the Terms of Service (some of them are summarized HERE).
The word “PREVIEW” will not be in the files that you buy.
Search tags (ignore these): portion control, measuring cups/spoons, food scale, visually/visualize/visualizing, estimation, measurement, guidelines, generally, healthy diet / eating pattern, weight loss/gain, kcal, energy, macronutrients, macros, vegetables, fruits, whole / refined grains, products, fiber / fibre, milk, dairy, meat, alternatives, unsaturated fats, fatty acids, protein, breakfast, morning, lunch, dinner, afternoon, supper, cooking, kitchen, dining out, restaurants, index, adults, older, seniors/elders, Canadian, North America, table of contents, website, monitoring, wellness, registered dietitian/nutritionist.
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