These snacks are designed to keep patients full. Often time when going vegan, patients complain of not feeling satiated. When I look at their food recall I often find they are consuming low fiber grains and small amounts of protein. To increase satiation for the sake of healthy weight management, I encourage my patients to eat 2 snacks a day from the list below. This list contains high fiber and moderate protein / fat snacks 2x a day in between meals. These snacks are around 200 kcal when combined at the right portion size. From my experience, I find including 2 snacks a day helps achieve weight loss goals and manage blood glucose spikes. This helps with weight loss because these snacks are slow digesting and when mealtime approached, they are no longer over consuming in 1 meal. By encouraging 2 snacks a day you also are encouraging patients to eat more variety and help them meet their nutrition needs by offering them a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains as their carbohydrate. 

You can promote these snacks as snacks that manage glucose control for you vegan patients with diabetes, snacks that can aid in weight loss, snacks that provide energy and last snacks that keep you full.

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