Page previews from workplace wellness challenge bundle.

Looking to enhance your Wellness Program for the employees at your workplace? These handouts will get you through the year! Each month has a unique focus to help your employees complete activities and track their health! These Monthly Challenges can be incorporated into an incentive program, bonus program, or to provide a way to engage and build awareness on lifestyle factors that enhance overall health.

Get a taste of what to expect with the transcripts below!

January – Self Care Activities

“Start the New Year off by focusing on you. This month is all about self-care! Taking the time to make sure you are taken care of physically and mentally is a vital component to overall health. Not only will you be able to manage stress better, but you may see improved health indicators such as weight management, improved heart health, and reduced systemic inflammation. It’s a win-win-win.”

February – Heart Health – Activity and Diet Tracking

“Also known as Heart Month, February will be a month for focusing on nutrition and activity to help your heart and cardiovascular system stay strong and healthy. Each week will have a new focus to help you keep track of those lifestyle factors that matter most.”

March – Nutrition – Diet Activity

“It’s National Nutrition Month! It’s time for a recipe round-up to share with your co-workers! National Nutrition Month is a great time to focus on increasing your fruit and vegetable intake, incorporating more whole grains, trying a new recipe, and sharing with others the foods that make your own family happy.”

April – Hydration Tracking

“This month will be all about focusing on staying hydrated. Did you know that adequate hydration helps nutrients get to all areas of the body supporting metabolism, promoting healing when an injury occurs, and in removing waste products from the body. Water is the best choice to sip on all day long!”

May – Step Tracking

“In honor of National Physical Fitness & Sports Month, the challenge for you will be to keep track of your steps each day. Each week, the step goal will increase. By the end of the month, you will be walking an easy 10,000 steps per day (that’s about 5 miles on average!!).”

June – Sleep Tracking

“In celebration of Brain Awareness Month, the challenge for June is to improve cognition and health by keeping track of your sleep. Did you know, during sleep the brain sort of…cleans itself, if you will. Fluids in the brain shift during sleep and remove plaque and waste products, making sleep very important to overall health! High quality shut-eye improves mood, reduces incidences of illness, reduces stress, and improves health!”

July – Activity Tracking

“This month will be for focusing on movement! As recommended by Physical Activity Guidelines for Adults, getting 150 minutes per week of moderate activity is where the road to improved health and cardiovascular function lies. Moderate activities include brisk walking, water aerobics, biking <10 mph, or playing doubles tennis.”

August – Acts of Kindness Activities

“This month will be a time to practice acts of kindess. Extending kindness to those around you helps improve relationships with your coworkers, family, friends, and even strangers you may interact with on a daily basis.”

September – Healthy Aging – Diet and Activity Tracking

“Also dubbed Healthy Aging Month, this is a great time to put all lifestyle focuses together for a combo-challenge! Exercise, healthy diet, and sleep are all important as our bodies age to prevent chronic disease and maintain good cognition. Each week has a new focus to help you keep track of those lifestyle factors that matter most.”

October – Mental Health Activities

“Also known as Mental Health Month, October will help you focus on your own mental health. Making sure time is dedicated to this aspect of your life will help in managing stress, improve sleep, and improve relationships.”

November – Diet Tracking

“November is National Diabetes Month, a great time to focus on food choices that will improve health and reduce risk factors associated with chronic disease. One of the best things anyone can do for their diet is to make sure plenty of fruits and vegetables are part of it! They are nutrient dense, meaning they contain lots of vitamins and minerals. They also contain fiber which helps keep our digestive system health and regular.”

December – Mental Health Activities

“This month, your challenge is to find the good in your daily life. Looking for the positives in life help support mental health by helping you stay focused on the bright side.”


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  • Great year-long program

    This is an excellent package that gives well-timed monthly challenges to coincide with things like Heart Month and so on. I used it more as a jumping off point for my own corporate wellness challenge for this year, switching out some months for something else or switching around challenges to different points in the year, but this is such a valuable package in that it gives you a starting point. FYI for the author, there are a few spelling/grammatical errors (such as acheivement (sic), missing hyphenation, etc.) but nothing egregious.

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