I am often asked about superfoods. “What are superfoods?”  “Are they really beneficial to my diet?”

Adding superfoods to any diet can boost your nutrition, help improve immunity, and decrease chronic illness.

This colorful infographic of 10 Superfoods clearly displays which foods are superfoods and the nutritional value they provide. 

This is a great resource for a health fair or nutrition booth or simple diet info for anyone. I used it as part of a Nutrition Month display, and it generated a lot of interest and questions!

I also found it useful as a “nutrition tidbit” hung in the employee lounge where I consulted. Co-workers love getting useful monthly nutrition tips and are often a great referral source.

Use this infographic anywhere you want to spread a little bit of nutrition. It is appropriate for adults as well as teens or adolescents.  It’s simple to read, colorful and informative

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