The Mindful Eater’s Hunger and Fullness Scale, a digital product designed to empower individuals on their journey towards intuitive eating and improved relationship with food.

This scale is thoughtfully designed to help clients reconnect with their body’s natural cues and develop a heightened awareness of their hunger and fullness levels. It provides a comprehensive yet easy-to-use visual guide, allowing individuals to assess and track their sensations with precision and clarity.

This scale can be utilized for a tailored approach for those who have struggled with disordered eating patterns or eating disorders and need to get back in touch with their cues. This scale is specifically designed to address the unique needs and challenges faced by individuals on their path to recovery and healing, but can also be used by the general public.

With the Mindful Eater’s Hunger and Fullness Scale, clients gain a practical tool that supports the principles of intuitive eating, guiding them towards mindful eating habits. It serves as a valuable resource for both clients and professionals, facilitating open discussions, self-reflection, and informed decision-making.

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