Coming up with lunch ideas and making them every day is not easy.
Fortunately, once your child hits the tween and teen years, they can generally do most, if not all, of it themselves. Sometimes all that is needed is a little inspiration. Enter this lunch ideas list. It’s perfect for posting on your refrigerator or inside your pantry door.
You may be surprised at how motivated your child is to make their lunch if they get to pick it out. All you have to do is help with the shopping!
Keep it reasonable by buying ingredients for 1-3 new lunch ideas per week. You can then mix and match these ingredients to make other combos and, of course, have the same lunches a couple of times per week.
Other Resources You Might Love:
- Lunch Box Guide – a simple lunch box guide that lists foods to choose from in every category for a balanced, nourishing lunch. It also includes a blank worksheet that you can print and fill out as many times as you want to customize the ideas to preferences, dietary needs, availability, and seasons.
- Smart Snacking for Teens – A mix and match snack list and tips to foster intuitive eating
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