This handbook is 30 years of clinical nutrition therapy strategies, educational handouts, and practical real life scenarios all wrapped up in over 50 full color reproducible handouts. It is an invaluable resource for other dietitians and nutrition professionals to use in their work treating clients. It is also an excellent resource for any individual, busy mom, college students, etc… who are looking to learn how to eat healthy while balancing life and family.
- Over 100 Meal & Snack Ideas
- Best Food Choices by Food Group as well as by Nutrients
- Health Benefits of Foods by Color!
- Grocery Store Best Picks by aisle
- Meal Planning Forms
- Tips For Eating Out and While on Vacation
- So Much More…
“So often my clients feel overwhelmed with the thought of meal preparation tasks, and this handbook shows them how SIMPLE it really can be.”
Master’s Level Expert RD
In Private Practice for 40 Years
“This handbook provides practical information on knowing and meeting nutritional needs. I love all the grocery shopping tips and meal ideas.”
Regina Mastin, RD, LD
Baylor University
“I recommend this handbook because it promotes eating for health in order to “feel” good without the rigidity that triggers one’s “diet trauma” and food insecurities.”
Dr. Kari Anderson
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