Are you working with individuals in peri-menopause? Symptoms of peri-menopause (like night sweats, mood swings, sleep problems, and weight gain) can be very distressing for our patients and clients and can disrupt the work you all are doing together.

While menopause is not something we can prevent or “fix,” you can provide your peri-menopausal patients and clients with this list of food- and movement-related tips for symptom management and help them start implementing some really doable behavior changes right away.

Peri-menopause is a vulnerable time for mental health issues (including eating disorders) to emerge or re-emerge, so it’s imperative that we try to protect our patients’ and clients’ mental health while we’re promoting gentle nutrition. With that said, this educational handout emphasizes adding, not subtracting, specific foods and nutrients, and it’s written from a non-diet and weight-inclusive perspective.


  • Important information about supplement use during peri-menopause
  • An explanation for why weight gain and fat gain, specifically, occurs in peri-menopause (and normalization and validation of this experience)
  • A list of additional resources for your patients and clients
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