Do you have a presentation to give to those who are cancer survivors or are trying to prevent cancer? Are you trying to provide your participants credible, reliable nutrition information? Then this workshop is for you!
Created using a dialogue approach, this workshop engages your learners, expands their knowledge, allows them to exercise that new knowledge, and elevates their understanding to take it home.
This workshop is able to be customized by you so that you can tailor it to fit your group’s needs. It’s designed to fit a 50-60 minute time block (plus more if participants ask questions – which tends to happen a lot with this topic!). Included is also a brief activity that allows participants to exercise what they learn and see where they can make improvements in their own nutrition.
This lesson contains:
- PowerPoint presentation you can customize
- Activity worksheet
If you’d like to learn more about my approach to creating engaging and dynamic workshops, check out my workbook right here on Well Resourced Dietitian Marketplace that walks you through creating your very own!
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