Kristine Sinner, MS, RDN/LDN, CEDRD
Hello, I'm Kristine Sinner, MS, RDN, CEDRD! I am a Certified Eating Disorder Registered Dietitian and Medical Nutrition Therapist. I wrote "Meal Planning Strategies, Tips, & Techniques: A Practical Handbook For Everyone" over the past 30 years of my career out of the frustration I know we all feel when clients arrive and just want to be told what to eat. As Dietitians we cant possibly know what each client likes and doesn't like, whether they have culinary skills to pull off what they want, or whether or not they can navigate their own kitchens; not to mention home, school, and work demands. I am a firm believer in my clients learning HOW to do this themselves! It is so rewarding for both of us! This handbook is intended to be a tool to help all of us in teaching our clients HOW to eat. It includes over 50 reproducible handouts to use as needed in session and/or it can be purchased by the client to read through on their own. While my area of expertise is in Eating Disorders, I specifically wrote this handbook for EVERYONE. I am a busy mom of 6 and all the tips and tricks are shared from my own experiences not just with my clients over the years, but in finding balance in order to live a healthy life while managing endless family activities, work demands, and of course my own self-care needs. Enjoy and I hope it brings you, my fellow RD's, relief and a new found sense of excitement the next time you hear, "Just Tell Me What To Eat"!